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Der I. Katzenklub

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The modern typed Persian is medium to large in size, the body is short (called cobby). Legs are short and strong. Bone structure is rather solid.
The head must be round (also when viewed in profile), the skull is broad with a well rounded forehead and dome.
The ears are small and rather deep placed.
The nose is very short in the Persian of today and must be broad and has a stop - in some associations it must be a break - between the eyes, in the so called Peke-Face Persians the nose has a deep break between the eyes.
The eyes are large and round and set wide apart (to give that certain baby look). Eye colour is different in different coat colours: Orange eyes are found in solid colours, tabbies, white, smoke, bicolour. Blue eyes are found in white, bicolours and colourpoints (but bare in mind that the blue of a colourpoint is genetically different from the blue in a white cat!). Green eyes are found in black/blue silver shaded and silver tabbies.
The jaws are broad, bite must be level.
The coat is soft and very long with dense undercoat. The coat is long all over the body, also including the shoulders. Around the neck there is an immense ruff with a long frill in winter covering almost the entire length of the front legs.
The tail is short and bushy, the tail tip is rounded and the hairs form a round brush.

Visit Donna's homepage

Persian black
GRC Prideomine Just Reward of Wisdom
breeder Donna DeGroot

Visit Misza's homepage

Persian white
Misza's Frozen Tears
breeder Michael Szaraz


Visit Donna's homepage

Persian tortie
GRC Prideomine Stacie
breeder Donna DeGroot


Visit Mary's homepage

Persian red and white
Ch. GP Petmar's Crimson And Clover
breeder Mary C. Petritsch


Visit Mary's homepage

Persian calico
Ch. Petmar's Unchained Melody
breeder Mary C. Petritsch


Visit Jóhanna's homepage

Persian golden shaded
De Persifelis Golden Einstein
owner Jóhanna Hákonardóttir


Visit Lenette's and Jacob's homepage

Persian tortie silver shaded
Just Like Chess By Fate
breeder Lenette & Jacob Nielsen


Visit Misza's homepage

Persian black
Misza's Diabolo
breeder Michael Szaraz

Visit Angelika's and Rudi's homepage

Persian chocolate
Rambling Rose von Dreilinien
breeder Angelika & Rudi Mattern


Many different colours and patterns

There exist many different colours and patterns:

Solid colours black
  The coat colour is black like charcoal.
  The coat colour is a light blue-grey.
  The coat colour is like milk-chocolate.
  The coat colour is like dove-grey with a slight pinkish tone.
  The coat colour is a deep orange, the darker the colour is the better.
The coat should be without tabby markings.
  The coat colour is pale pastel cream.
Tortie colours black tortie
(also called tortieshell) The coat is patched in dark black and red.
  blue tortie
(also called bluecream)
  The coat is patched in light blue-grey and pastel cream.
  chocolate tortie
  The coat is patched in milk-chocolate and red.
  lilac tortie
  The coat is patched in dove-grey and pastel cream.
Smoke colours All the colours above with silver, which means the at the roots of the coat is a silver white band, with a silver white frill. About 5/6 of the hair length is coloured with the above mentioned colours. From outside the cat looks like a solid coloured cat, but when the coat is parted or the cat moves the silver white underground can be seen.
Shaded and Shell All the colours above with silver, only the hair tips are coloured with colour (called tipped with colour), the major part of the hair length is silver white.
Cats without red have impressing green eyes.
Shell is also called Chinchilla. Besides silver shaded/shell the same colours exist also in Golden shaded and Golden shell, where the major part of the hair length is coloured in a golden yellow tone.
Also here those cats without red have a striking green eye colour.
  In some federations the cats in red silver, cream silver, tortie silver are sometimes called Cameos, i.e. red Cameo, cream Cameo, tortie Cameo.
Tabby patterns There are 3 tabby patterns:
  blotched (called 'classic tabby')
  mackerel (called 'tigre')
  All the colours above can have those tabby patterns:
f.e. black tabby, blue tabby, red tabby, tortie tabby (sometimes called torbies), etc.
  All the colours above together with silver can have those tabby patterns:
f.e. black silver tabby, blue silver tabby, red silver tabby, tortie silver tabby, etc., which means the base of the hairs is silver white and on this silver white ground is the tabby pattern in black, in blue, in red, etc.
Bicolour patterns All the colours above can be with white.
  There are different bicolour patterns:
Almost the whole cat is white, there are only 2 colour patches on the head and the tail is coloured.
The cat has coloured patches which are encircled with white.
The confusing thing is, that this pattern does not exist in all major federations, and in some federations the Van is called Harlequin.
  Bicolour, Tricolour
The cat has white in face, is white on the chest and stomach, has white on the feet and paws, and sometimes it has a white collar and a white patch on the back. The rest of the coat is coloured.
If the cat is tortie with white it is sometimes called tricolour, and in some federations it is called Calico, respective Diluted Calico, when it is f.e. a bluetortie with white.
  Those bicolour patterns can be also tabby with white, can be also silver with white (smoke with white, silver tabby with white).
Colourpoints The colour is restricted to certain areas:
There is a so called mask in the face, the ears, the legs and the tail are coloured, the body is almost white.
The eye colour is always blue.
  Sometimes those Colourpoints are also called Himalayans.
  The coloured areas can be also with stripes (tabby), and sometimes those cats are called Lynxpoints.
White The whole cat is white.
  The cat can have besides orange eyes, also blue eyes, and even odd eyes (one eye is orange, the other eye is blue).




The first cats brought to Italy and France from Asia Minor in 1620. In Harrison Weir's first written breed standard published in 1876 the cats were called Asiatic cats. The first cats seen in Britain were described as Angoras or French cats (mostly being white). Gradually the body became more cobby, the ears smaller and the head larger and broader giving more pre-eminence to the body type of the French cats.
By the turn of the century to 1900 the breed was exported to North America and was recognized by all registries, in GCCF the breed is still called Longhair, while in North America and Europe the breed is referred as Persian. The Blue is one the oldest colours, seen already in the show in London in 1871, it became soon very popular as Queen Victoria owned two blue cats. By 1901 the colours recognized in Britain were black, blue, white, orange (today's red self and red tabby), cream, sable (this colour cannot be clearly identified, but its description sounds like the ancestors of today's goldens), smoke, tabby, spotted, chinchilla, tortieshell, bicolour and tricolour (today's tortie with white respective Calicos as they're called in North America).
Originally known as magpie cats, popular in shorthair first,  the bicolours and calicos were recognized in Britain in 1966 and soon afterwards in North America.
The first smoke Persians were registered as a separate breed class in Britain in 1893.
One of the most famous chinchillas was Silver Lambkin. Today silver chinchillas and silver shaded are recognized in black/blue tipped, chocolate/lilac tipped, red/cream tipped and tortie tipped which are often referred as cameos.
Peke-faced Persians recognized as separate variety in the USA and Canada are only bred in red and red tabby.

The Colourpoints, often referred as Himalayans, in formers times up to 1950 called Khmer, are a man-made breed, resulting from cross matings between Siamese and long-haired cats done by a Swedish geneticist in 1924. This breeding program was continued in North America in 1930 breeding black Persians to Siameses and resulted in the first longhair pointed cat born in 1935, named Debutante. In 1955 the breed was recognized by GCCF as Colourpoint. Breeding of pedigree Himalayans in the United States started in 1950, the Himalayans were recognized by all major associations in North America in 1961.


Visit Gujje's homepage

Persian brown mackerel
Florindo's Bogaboo
breeder Gujje Magnusson


Visit Maarit's homepage

Persian sealpoint
Ayser's Moonlight Serenade
breeder Maarit Lindholm


The Persian is quiet and very affectionate to people, rather little talkative. Everything is done cautiously, but yet they are very alert, they are not seriously in a hurry. The Persian is to be considered by many as the aristrocat in the catfancy.



Persians have a very thick woolly undercoat, but this goes hand in hand with matting. They have to be combed and brushed constantly to keep their coat free from knots and mats. They require daily care. Do not plan to have a Persian unless you have enough time for grooming. You have to give them a bath on a regular basis to keep their impressing and wonderful coat shiny and silky.



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