Cornish REX
Cornish Rex are medium sized shorthair
cats. The slender and rather elongated body is carried on high and slender
legs with dainty oval paws. The bone structure of the Cornish Rex is fine,
but when lifting up the cat it is surprisingly heavy. The cat is very
muscular, and the muscles are hard and firm to touch. The rib cage is full and
deep, the front legs are straight and set parallel to each other, when viewed
from the front. The back is rising up to the rear like in the greyhounds.
The head of the Cornish Rex is long with prominent and high set cheek bones,
the top of the skull is rather flat.
The nose is straight and long and continues the straight profile up to the
forehead. The muzzle is fine and rather pointed.
The ears are very large, very broad and open at their base. They are
slightly pointed and are set close and upright on the head.
The eyes are medium in size and almost round. They can have any colour,
there is no relation between coat colour and eye colour.
The coat is short, very fine and dense, when touching the coat it is
extremely soft and it is a delight to feel it. The coat does not have too
much underwool. The very specific feature of the Rex-coat are the tight
waves, which look like as if they have made with a curler. The waves are so
dense and lying close to the body that one can see the skin only when parting
the waves. The coat can have any colour, any pattern, the colours may appear
with white or without white, there are also existing Colourpoints which are
called Si-Rex.
The tail is very long, rather thin and pointed. The tight and dense waves
can also be seen on the tail and the legs.
The eye brows and the whiskers are very stiff and are crinkled. It is
important that Cornish Rex display whiskers. |

Cornish Rex tortie, Traum von FF cattery
Breeder Thea Frikovec

Cornish Rex black and white Van, Traum von FF cattery
Breeder Thea Frikovec

Cornish Rex blau-weißer Van,
Zos Kia cattery
Owner Michael

Cornish Rex bluecream with white
Cornish Rex come in all colours and patterns, which one can
imagine, with white and without white, with silver or in golden, with tabby
pattern and in Colourpoint.
- black, blue
- chocolate, lilac
- red, cream
- cinnamon, fawn
- tortie, bluecream
- chocolate tortie, lilac tortie
- All those colours can also have all tabby patterns, for example black
spotted, red mackerel, bluecream blotched, and so on.
- All those colours can appear with silver or with golden, for example
blue smoke, black golden shaded, blue golden mackerel, red silver
blotched, chocolate tortie silver spotted, cream silver mackerel, and so
- And all those colours can also be with white (bicolour, Van, etc.),
for example black and white bicolour, red and white Van, tortie mackerel
bicolour, cream smoke with white, black silver blotched bicolour, and so
- And - last but not least - all those colours can also appear as
Colourpoints, with white or without white, as silver or golden pointed,
tabbypointed, and so on.
There exist hundreds of colour and pattern combinations, and all those
varieties can be admired on shows.

Cornish Rex red tabby with white

Cornish Rex cream smoke Bicolour,
Traum von FF cattery
Breeder Thea Frikovec
The first Cornish Rex were born in a litter of ordinary shorthaired
house cats in Cornwall (England) in 1950. The red and white male, called
Killibunker, was crossed back to his mother. From this mating the result were
several kitten with a curled coat. Those kitten had been called Rex, after
the rabbits which had the same name.
All Cornish Rex cats can trace their ancestors back to Killibunker.
Various other breeds had been crossed into the Cornish Rex, and the curled
coat had been always inherited to the offspring's. Thus many different
colours and patterns were created, but - most important - that also made
this breed so robust.
Cornish Rex are a healthy and robust breed. They are alert and extremely
intelligent. The are quite skilled in running and jumping and in acrobatics,
if they want to catch something. They are well known as the clowns in the
cats. They have an extremely sweet character, are very affectionate, and
are curious about everything of their surroundings.
Cornish Rex need very little grooming, because their coat does not shed.
They may feel warmer and love a cosy and warm environment. One really likes
to touch them, it is extremely pleasant to run your hand over the soft and
curled coat, that care must be taken not to overdo it. |

Cornish Rex black
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