Report about the general assembly 2004
On Saturday August 7th 2004, our annual general assembly took place in the
Schallaburg castle
near the monastery of Melk. The members came also this year
numerously, despite the summer temperatures.
After the welcome of the members and the statement of the quorum Mr. Alfred Peikert
and Mr. Wolfgang Luigi, were confirmed as scrutinizers unanimously.
The approval of minutes of the
general assembly 2003 passed and afterwards the board gave its reports.
In the
area of exhibitions a well balanced exhibition year 2003 could be reported. In
all categories, except Category I, the number of exhibited cats increased
slightly in compare with the last year.
The number of cats exhibited by KKÖ-exhibitors
reached the first time the highest among all.
In the area of the pedigrees, KKÖ issued 2003 the largest amount of pedigrees
since his
foundation. |
The auditors Mrs. Henriette Göppert and Dr. Susanna Lenk examined the
books and emphasize the excellent bookkeeping and also the positive result.
The board appreciate the work of the two auditors
and express its gratitude for their exact,
objective audit of our books.With July 21st,
2004 Mrs. Eveline Preiss withdraw her function as treasurer of the KKÖ. A
written report from Mrs. Preiss was presented to our members and
she was discharged for the year 2003 and for the period from January 1st,
2004 until July 21st, 2004.
The general assembly, as well as the members of the board express their
gratitude for the excellent work of Mrs. Preiss.
Afterwards the discharge of
responsibility of the executive board took place. The executive board
would like to thank for the great confidence of the members of KKÖ.
Following members were elected into the executive board for a
period of two years: |
Mrs. Monika Peikert as secretary |
Mr. Franz Rathbauer and Mr. Klaus Koll as board members |
Due to the withdrawal of the former treasurer, the board
cooption of Mrs. Christel Schirrer as
treasurer was ratified by a election from
the general assembly.
The functional period ends within one year, which corresponds to the original
period of
the treasurer. |
Mrs Christel Schirrer - treasurer |
Our long lasting auditor Mrs. Henriette Göppert wasn't
available for a further period. The general assembly as well as the members of
the board expressed their appreciation for her collaboration
with an intensive
applause.As new auditor, Mr.
Michael Szaraz was elected for a period of two years. |
Mr. Michael Szaraz -
auditor |
- As members of the show commission
Mr. Herbert Braulik, Mrs. Sigrid Grau, Mrs. Helene Reiter and Mr. Alfred Peikert
have been confirmed for a a period of two years.
- The members of the health commission
veterinary surgeon Mrs. Margit Kneissl and veterinary surgeon Dr. Stefan Miedler
have been confirmed for a period of two years.
After the elections, there were discussions under the topic
'miscellaneous' about suggestions and requests from members as well as the
answering of several questions. |
The general assembly ended - as already traditional - with
a dinner, where still intensive talks about our common topic - the cats -
continued. |
The executive board of the Klub der Katzenfreunde Österreichs
(Austria's Cat Fancy) |